Today is my daughter’s birthday…Happy Birthday Savannah!
As you may know, I work with moms and teenage (or tween-age) daughters. Savannah is 23, so she doesn’t qualify, but it wasn’t that long ago when she was a teen! We have such a rich and beautiful relationship and I just want to create this short post to encourage you that if you are struggling in your relationship with your daughter, just know that Breakthrough Is Possible! I truly thank Spirit everyday for my beautiful rich friendship I enjoy with both of my daughters (you too Claire!) and give special thanks for Savannah today on her day.
This photo was from our trip to Tahoe a couple weeks ago.
If you’d like more info on how to transform your relationship with your daughter, stick around and you’ll get a lot of free tips & tricks for creating amazing family relationships. If you aren’t on my email list, go ahead and join so you can get all my tips for free. Thanks for joining me!