Reclaim the Joy of Your Mother Daughter Bond!
Give your daughter relationship support she needs!

Here's Everything You Get...

A thriving relationship with your daughter in six weeks--whether she takes the training or not.

A easy way to boost her self-confidence and communication skills sky high--without conscious effort on her part. (Hint: she'll be watching you, saying: "What's up with mom? She's so much nicer to be around!")

A communication practice that will make you a better communicator in every conversation you have in your life: home and work.

A roadmap for keeping your relationship with your daughter happy and successful for the rest of your lives.

An upward success spiral, for you and your daughter: better results with people will give you both a better feeling about yourselves, which in turn will give you more relationship success with each other and everyone else in your world.

Eight group coaching modules (see detail below), delivered in a live online small group meeting format, using live video and screen sharing. Sessions will include small 2-3 person breakout sessions for more intensive sharing and learning.

The premier text on Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg. (NOTE: If you already purchased this book, you will have your choice of one of 3 other communication books for free.)

A companion Nonviolent Communication workbook which we will use in the class.

Online sacred circle format delivery of this revolutionary new mother/daughter communication technology, assuring confidentiality, privacy, respect and intimacy for everyone in the program. This is a first online (at least, the first I know of!)

Private access to the video and audio recordings of each module inside your member's area.

Private Mother Daughter Magic Facebook group for support and sharing by program members.

A Relationship Breakthrough Journal where you record your learning and to facilitate sharing and to leverage your insights in sharing and support sessions with your leader Catherine so she can support your progress.

Weekly Question and Answer sessions, with incorporation of your questions and concerns in the curriculum of the class.

Weekly Question and Answer sessions, with incorporation of your questions and concerns in the curriculum of the class.

Module 1: Heart-To-Heart Talk. Out Beyond Arguments Between You and Your Daughter

Module 2: Self Empathy and Observation. Separating What Happened from What You Made It Mean

Module 3: Feelings. Your Heart as the World's Finest (and least used) Compass

Module 4: Needs. Keys to Success, Health and Happiness

Module 5: Requests. Recipe for Happiness: How to Get Everything You Need (and most of what you want) While Giving Her Everything She Needs (and most of what she wants.)

Module 6: Empathy. The Rarest, Most Coveted Resource on Earth

Module 7: Anger. Defusing the Bomb

Module 8: Freedom. The End Game
As Trusted By...

And many other organizations.