Career Moms: Take the Fastest Path to Happiness with Your Teen Daughter! 

Get The Same Revolutionary Communication Training Taught To Fortune 50 Execs...

Video #1: Destination: An amazing relationship with your daughter...

Video #2: A dangerous passage...

Video #3: How to have a happy ending...  

The Journey begins November 7!   


“Supermom” Was A Myth—Until Now

Four Simple Steps Used By Exec Moms at Microsoft To Get Heart To Heart With Teen Daughters

As an ambitious career woman and the mom of an adolescent girl, no doubt you’re very aware of your “Supermom” image. Maybe you can even enjoy the little status bump you feel when someone says you are a Supermom.

But I’m guessing there’s some part of you--that doesn’t actually believe it. When things are going great at work and at home, then--yes. You’re a Supermom.

But what about when things go wrong? What about when you have an argument with your daughter just before you drop her off at school and you don’t have time to clear it up because you have a busy day at work? What about when she hangs up on you, slams the door in your face, or tells you to “mind your own business?”

Then the cracks begin to appear in the Supermom role... And I do not take this lightly. 

Hi, I’m Catherine Cooley, a mediator and communication coach, and I’m very glad you’re here. I am so excited to share my Mother Daughter Magic program, which starts Tuesday, and how it can help you create a dream mother/daughter relationship for yourself.

As you know, succeeding in a career and succeeding as a mom, especially with your daughter, isn’t easy. Wait, that’s an understatement. Succeeding at both is almost impossible.

So which one do you neglect when the stuff hits the fan? Career? Daughter? Or yourself? 

My guess is, you try to neglect yourself first and foremost. But of course, you know that isn’t good for either your career or your daughter. (Not to mention yourself!)

But if you end up neglecting your daughter, some very serious consequences lie ahead. Research shows, that the mother daughter bond is the most intense family bond of all.

Science also reveals that as your connectedness to her goes down and you lose trust in each other, her satisfaction with her life and her self-esteem go down. What that means is that she will feel less capable, less successful and even less worthwhile as a person.

This downward spiral has no end. Intuitively you understand what the research is pointing to: your relationship with her predicts the quality of her relationship with herself, and all of her other future relationships. There is so much at stake here.

That’s why it’s no exaggeration to say that the news of the breakthrough I’m about to reveal could literally be life-changing for you and for your daughter.

As a student of the late, great clinical psychologist Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, I am one of a small group of maverick communication coaches that is revolutionizing the way we have everyday conversations.

We’ve actually made it possible for people to minimize and even eliminate violence, judgment and criticisms from our conversations. As one of his students, I’m especially proud to offer a groundbreaking training program for career moms of teen and tween daughters.

This is the same training that Dr. Rosenberg inspired at Microsoft, Merck, HCL, the United Nations and dozens of Fortune 500 companies, training executives and world leaders to communicate through conflict quickly and easily and to maintain, as a priority focus, the meeting of human needs.

The good thing is that you do not have to be a million dollar executive or world leader to get this training. My online, live video program is available to you starting in just a few days--next Tuesday, Nov 7th at 6:30 pm Pacific Time. The small investment for this program will provide the following for you. 

Here's a part of what you'll have:

  • You will have a warmer, more trusting and loving bond with your daughter because you will have the exact mindset and words that you need to connect the two of you quickly, heart-to-heart, so she knows that you are on her side.
  • You will have the ability to pause when things spin out, and to cut through all the drama, emotional blowback, and anxiety of the moment, and get yourselves back to heartfelt, honest connection.
  • You’ll get the foundational pieces of a mother/daughter relationship built on mutual respect.
  • You will have more time than you had before, because you’ll have eliminated much of the stress, arguments and emotional recovery time.
  • You will be more closely connected to your own heart, and have a new practice of emotional self care, so that when you come to her aid, you’re really there and ready, 100%.
  • You will have laid the beginning foundation for your daughter to know her worth in the world, love herself unconditionally, and navigate her own life and relationships with skill and confidence.
  • You will have a proven system that works every time that is the most advanced communication methodology available anywhere, at any price.

You're also going to feel different. Way different: 

  • You will be calmer, and not feel so afraid or anxious about a difficult conversation, that you might have, in the past, just avoided or procrastinated.
  • You will feel confident in setting boundaries that she will cooperate with and which also give her the space to grow.
  • You both will finally feel truly “gotten” and loved by each other.
  • She will feel safe coming to you with whatever is up in her life, and will have good reason to.
  • You will feel a lot more joy more often with your daughter because you’ll spend less time fighting, stressing out or wondering what she is really thinking and doing.
  • You will feel more gratitude and respect coming from your daughter, as she gets that you actually are starting to get her and her world, and as the love and intimacy between you grows.
  • You will feel confident of your ability to handle any conflict with your daughter (or anyone else)

Your average day will be different. For instance: 

  • The drive to school 
  • Mealtimes
  • Putting on makeup together in the bathroom
  • And your other brief routine moments together:
    • Your average day will transform from a lot of silence and underlying resentment into more laughter, conversations, ease and connection.
    • She will be much more forthcoming about what is REALLY going on with her.
    • Answers to your questions will go from one syllable "No," "Yeah," "I don't know," to heartfelt conversations about her upsets, disappointments and hurt feelings, as well as her hopes, dreams and aspirations.

Most importantly, who you are will change. You'll move from who you think you are into who you truly are. This will be remarkable for you and your daughter, and will be the biggest inspiration for her to take on this new practice with you. For just one example: 

You will go from feeling like an imposter Supermom, continually scrambling to fix breakdowns...into the extraordinary ability to move through the worst conflicts, arguments and life difficulties with your daughter without breaking a sweat—or raising your voice. 

Your daughter—confident, smart, self-directed—will be the PROOF that my system works and that you are a true Supermom. 

In my last video I shared some things my clients have said about their experiences in working with me. This time I’d like to share a few of the things people have said about Dr. Rosenberg’s communication technology, often called Nonviolent Communication or NVC, that comprises the core principles and practices I teach: 

Dr. John Gray, Ph.D., author, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
“I believe the principles and techniques in Nonviolent Communication can literally change the world, but more importantly, they can change the quality of your life with your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your co-workers and everyone else you interact with. I cannot recommend it highly enough.”

Jack Canfield, author, Chicken Soup for the Soul Series
Marshall Rosenberg provides us with the most effective tools to foster health and relationships. Nonviolent Communication connects soul to soul, creating a lot of healing. It is the missing element in what we do.”

Deepak Chopra, author, How to Know God and Ageless Body and Timeless Mind
Dr. Rosenberg has brought the simplicity of successful communication into the foreground. No matter what issue you’re facing, his strategies for communicating with others will set you up to win every time.”

Marianne Williamson, author, Everyday Grace and honorary chairperson, Peace Alliance
Nonviolent Communication is a simple yet powerful methodology for communicating in a way that meets both parties’ needs. This is one of the most useful books you will ever read.

My Mother Daughter Magic program is devoted to giving you the resources, inspiration and community you need to thrive in your relationship with your preteen or teen daughter.

Our sessions will be rich with content (including Dr. Rosenberg’s book) and very engaging because we will be looking at your real mother/daughter conversations and transforming them into conversations that skillfully bypass the agonizing arguing and judgements, and go straight to the heart of the matter every time. What is the heart of the matter? It's how you both are feeling about how your needs are being met or not being met. Then, setting a respectful, cooperative stage for you to generate solutions together as a team, with real, heartfelt collaboration.

We will be meeting Tuesday nights, from 6:30 - 8:00 pm Pacific time, on a video webinar that you can join from your computer or your phone.

We will be meeting for 6 weeks, starting this Tuesday, November 7th and ending on December 12th. We also have 2 Thursday meetings, November 9th and 16th. 

If you miss a session you can listen to the audio recording. We will also have a private Facebook page to share learning and questions.

If you decide to join us, you can do so with complete confidence because this program comes with a

30 day satisfaction guarantee.

You can enjoy 4 weeks of the (6-week) class and still get a full refund, minus the cost of supplies.

Time is running out. You have until this Monday, November 6th at midnight to join us, because class begins the next day. And sorry, but there is no late registration.

So if you want this world-class communication training, please click the button below. A complete list of details about the course is included on the next page, so you can see exactly what you’re getting before you register.

I look forward to seeing you inside Mother Daughter Magic!
